Goals allow you to earn badges and rewards according to the levels you reach:
- Lexical IQ
- Brain Training score, which is part of the Lexical IQ range
- Lexical Agility score, which is part of the Lexical IQ average
- Observation score, which is part of the Lexical IQ average
- Vocabulary score, which is part of the Lexical IQ average
- The number of levels completed
- The number of days of connection to the game
- The number of Designs unlocked
- The number of Stars obtained
- The number of Power-ups used (Hint or Compass)
- The number of Bonus Words found
- The number of "Hint" bonuses used
- The number of "Compass" bonuses used
- The number of Missions completed
Goals are accessible from the main screen. There are 3 badges and 3 increasing rewards to collect per category.