Crazy 8 is the classic shedding card game where you can play against friends, train with a robot, or challenge other players in the community who are online at the same time as you.


The objective is to be the first one to get rid of all their cards. Each player starts with 10 cards (the number of cards you have is shown next to your profile picture). Players take their turn in the direction indicated by the arrows around the discard pile. When it’s your turn, play a card that matches the color or value of the top card on the discard pile. If you cannot match the top card, you must draw a card from the stockpile. The game is over once one player has discarded all their cards.


Good draw: If you are forced to draw from the stockpile and the card drawn can be played, you have the option to play that card immediately or to pass your turn.

Twin card: If you play a card that is identical to the one on the top of the discard pile (same color and number), you can play a second card. This rule does not apply to special cards.

Straight: If you have a card sequence (1-2-3) in the same color, you have the option to play the cards in a row. If you wish to finish your turn before discarding your entire straight, simply click the green button.

Direction of play: The direction of play is indicated by the two arrows around the discard pile. At the start of the game, the game orientation is clockwise; however the direction can be reversed if a player plays a “Reverse” card.


Watch out, you only have 10 seconds to make a play. If you do not make your move within this time frame, you will receive a penalty card.


8: 8 cards are crazy! Play an 8 and change the color. It’s the only card that can cancel the penalty from the Draw (+) cards. 

Skip: Playing a Skip card forces the next player to pass their turn. 

10: The 10 makes you to play another card of the same color or value. Thus it is impossible to end a game with a 10.

Draw (+): Draw cards force the next player to draw penalty cards and lose their turn, unless they can outbid it with another Draw card or play an 8. 

Reverse: The Reverse card changes the direction of play. In a 2-player game, the Reverse card functions like the Skip card.

Note 1: A "+2" or "+4" can outbid another "+2," but a "+2" can never outbid a "+4."

Note 2: The Draw cards accumulate. For example: Player 1 discards a "+2" and Player 2 outbids it with a "+4." Player 3 cannot outbid, so he receives 6 cards and passes his turn.


At the end of the game, the score represents the sum of the cards value that remain in your opponents hand.

Cards value:

- 1 = 10 pts
- 2 = 20 pts
- 3 = 30 pts
- 4 = 40 pts
- 5 = 50 pts
- 6 = 60 pts
- 7 = 70 pts
- 8 = 5000 pts
- 9 = 90 pts
- 10 = 200 pts
- Reverse = 500 pts
- Skip = 750 pts
- +2 = 1250 pts
- +4 = 2500 pts