Prove that you’re the best! The “Bet & Play” game mode offers you 6 tables on which to play and pocket Chips:

  • 200 Chips games (Belote or Coinche): Bet 200 Chips, winner receives 250 Chips.
  • 600 Chips games (Belote or Coinche): Bet 600 Chips, winner receives 900 Chips.
  • 2000 Chips games (Belote or Coinche): Bet 2000 Chips, winner receives 3000 Chips.

To launch a game, click the button “Play”, then select the game mode you want to play : Belote or Coinche.

Then, select  the bet, by clicking on the left or right arrow or bets. Now, you can click on the bet you want to play.