To play with your friends, select the 'SOLO/WITH FRIENDS' and then tap the 'Invite' button before starting the game.

You'll be able to invite:

- Belote friends: friends who play Belote and that you added as your game buddies (green dot indicates they are online and available, red dot that they are online but already in a room and gray that they are offline). Note that you can search your friends instead of sliding the list.

- Facebook friends: if you're Facebook connected, you'll find your Facebook friends who are not playing the game yet. If they install the game and connect with their Facebook account, you'll be rewarded with the indicated amount of Chips (Sponsorship Gift).

- Invite via ID: If you are not Facebook connected or maybe have friends who play as guests, then this is your opportunity to invite them to play. You just have to enter their ID and they'll receive a game invite from you.

- Share my ID: Share your ID with your friends is the best way they can invite you in a game. Share it via text, email, Twitter, Facebook. Well, this is your call! ;)