Rankings - similar to those for Belote Tour - are based on points accumulated during the current period.

At the end of each game, you score points. If you win, you score the amount of the gain in points. If you lose, you score at least the amount of your bet in points. 

You will find the League Mode by clicking on the menu on the upper left side of the screen. There, click on "League". You  will can see these different rankings :
  • Your group: You and 24 other people are competing for a promotion or avoiding relegation (if you are Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum League). If you're in Diamond League or Elite League, "your group" represents that of all the League in question since these two leagues are unique groups.
  • My Friends: You can compare yourself to your friends in this special classification that is classified by level of League and number of points during the current period.
  • Top 100 : As the name suggests it, these are the top 100 players in the league you are in.